Department of Kaumarabhritya

Department of Kaumarabhritya (Ayurveda Pediatrics) has been catering child health care services over decades with its in-house and outreach programs and services. It has reached over a million children in last 15 years.

Ayurveda Pediatric OPD

A daily consultation unit for all pediatric problems by well qualified and experienced Pediatricians finding Ayurvedic solution for the tender care of the tender ages.

Pediatric Respiratory Clinic

Helping for an easy breath with Ayurveda. The day to day challenge for parents with children having chronic/recurrent respiratory problems is mentally traumatic. It is also hazardous to children. The respiratory problems in children are on the raise and Ayurveda is the best solution for a long run treatment. Pediatric Respiratory clinic has the Respiratory specialist and has helped hundreds of children to cope up better on day to day life.


Pediatric Dermatology Clinic

Dermatological presentations and problems in children are completely different from adults and need a special tender care. The systematic planning for the care of skin diseases in children are effectively managed by the pediatric dermatologist of the department. The unit has a highly experienced and clinically skilled pediatric dermatologist.


Vaccination centre

We stand shouldering the responsibility of the country’s national immunization schedule with both Paid and free vaccines as recommended by Indian Academy of Pediatrics.


Newborn care services

We have the well established newborn care unit with Primary care NICU with expert services throughout Day and Night.

The care also involves traditional means of care with baby massage, baby bath, jatakarma samskaras.


Help A Child

Extending Humanatarian services beyond medicine

The department has adapted an Orphanage with 80 plus children and a Child labor school with 40 plus children and has constantly been shouldering the social responsibility of care of these children in the last 4 years.

The donors can contribute to the good cause with the following link. The money deposited here goes to the medical care of needy children in our hospital.