Department of Kayachikitsa

Kayachikitsa is the one of the eight branches of Ayurveda which deals with the multi systemic illness of the adults.  It deals with therapeutic approach to the disease either through Shodhana (purification/Detoxification), Shamana (pacification and medical management) and Satwawajaya (Counseling and Psychotherapy). These therapeutic procedures are done through medications, behavioural, psychological & life style managements. Pharmacological intervention is through various forms of medicines like vati (tablets), kashaya (decoctions), churna (powders), bhasma (Incinerated minerals & metals), Asava and Arista (self-generated alcohol preparations), Ghruta (Processed clarified butter) etc. Strength of the system is in providing efficient, cost effective, personalized medicine with high safety margins.

Health Care services

  • Musculoskeletal Disorders (Osteoarthritis, Spondylosis, Slip Disc, Backache, Joint pain etc)
  • Hepatobiliary Disorders (Jaundice, Liver Cirrhosis, Ascites, Gall stones, Hepatitis etc)
  • Neurological Disorders (Paralysis, Bell’s Palsy, Sensory deficits, GB Syndrome, Motor Neuron Disease, Neuro-degenerative disorders etc)
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders (Hyperacidity, Constipation, Flatulence, Indigestion, Dysentery, Malabsorption, Food allergies etc)
  • Oncological Disorders (Adjuvant therapy for various Malignancies)
  • Psychiatric disorders (Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Schizophrenia etc)
  • Metabolic disorders (Diabetes mellitus, Lipids etc)