Prakruti Quiz

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1 FRAME Slim, unusually tall or Short Medium, Athletic Large body ,rounded curves
2 WEIGHT Lose easily, if gains weight around the middle Fairly Stable and lose easily, Deposits fat Fairly and evenly Gains easily ,Especially rear thighs
3 CHIN Thin, Delicate ,Angular Moderate tapering Large jaw, rounded, Double
4 CHILD WEIGHT Thin as child Medium build as child Large or chunky as a child
5 EYES Small, sunken, Dark, Active Medium, Grey, Green, yellow/red, blue Big, Loving, Blue or chocolate brown
6 NOSE Uneven shape, Deviated septum Long, pointed, red nose tip Short, rounded, button nose
7 BODY HAIR Scanty or excessive, dark, coarse and curly Light body hair, fine texture Moderate amount of body hair
8 SCALP HAIR Thin, dry ,less volume, lot of split ends Goldentinge, hairfall,greying,moderate volume Bluish tinge, thick black, mostly curly, lot of volume
9 TEETH Stick out, big, roomy,  thin gums, sensitivity Medium, even, soft tender gums Large, even, white and gleeming
10 COMPLEXION Dark complexion(relative to family) tans easy Fair skin, burns easy, freckles, moles common Tans evenly
11 SKIN ISSUES Dry and dehydrated Acne and skin infection Clear and soft
12 CHILDHOOD  HAIR Kinky, curly, brown, black, scarce Straight, fine, light or red coloured Thick, wavy, luxuriant
13 HANDS Long, tapering fingers and toes Fingers and toes medium in length Fingers and toes short and squarish
14 CRAKING OF PALM, FEET AND SKIN Present very often  Few times Never
15 NECK Thin, tall, unsteady Moderate, medium Big, folded, steady
16 FOREHEAD Small forehead Medium with folds and lines Large forehead
17 BELLY BUTTON Small, irregular, herniated Oval, superficial Big, deep, round, stretched
18 HIPS Slender, thin Moderate Heavy, big
19 BONES Light, small bones and /or prominent joints Moderate Heavy one structure
20 BOWELS Irregular appetite, tendency to constipation Strong appetite, tendency to loose stool Low but constant, thick/heavy stools
21 APPETITE Wavering,internet untimely Very hungry Not very hungry
22 SLEEP PATTERN Like a night owl Usually disturbed Sound sleep
23 WEATHER Not particular mostly hot Cold Likes hot climate
24 BITTING OF NAILS Very often Not many times never
25 TALKING TO CROWD Feel anxious and scared Confident with oratory skills Steady and slow
26 GENERAL TALK Fast, blabering ,lots of talk, cracked voice Speak with confidence,never afraid Slow and less talk
27 MENTAL ACTIVITY Hyperactive, short term concentration Purposeful, logical, rational Slow paced and consistent
28 DREAM PATTERN Involves, height,sky, wind Invovles fire,sparks,red/orange tinge or flowers Involves water bodies
29 STEADINESS OF MIND Always wandering Steady Steady
30 HABITS Travel, art, dance, trivia, new Intense sports, debates, politics, hunting,  research Sailing, flowers, business, cosmetics, cooking
31 TEMPERAMENT Confused and difficulty in handeling tough sitiuation Furious,cool down quickly Patient and Slow
32 FRIEND CIRCLE Less friends Restricted friend circle Lots of friends
33 GRUDGES Tend to forget Forgive when apolozise Never forget
34 RECOLLECTION Recent good, forgets easily Distinct memory and often visual Slow to learn but sustained memory
35 ROUTINE Dislikes routine Enjoy planning & organising, especially self created Works well with routine
36 DECISIONS Indecisive, changes mind easily Rapid Decision making & sees things clearly Slow to decide, commits once chosen
37 THINKING Creative thinker, many ideas Organised thinker, entrepreneurial Prefers to follow a plan
38 PROJECTS Many at once, often does not finish Organised and logical, goal focused Resists changes, likes simplicity
39 FINANCIAL Spends impulsively, money is to be used Spends on luxuries and achieving purpose Wealthy, good money preserver
40 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Hyperactive, lots of movements Purposeful, for goal or reasons Slow and calm
41 SEXUAL NATURE Strong desire, fantasy’s but low energy Moderate desire, passionate and dominating Consistent desire, loving, and nurturing

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